Unfavorable, Unfair, or Inaccurate?

Unfavorable, Unfair, or Inaccurate?

The outcome of interaction with traditional news media is never certain. But I contend the benefit of coverage is almost always worth the risk. And if you are armed with simple messaging tactics, and you stay on message, accurate and even beneficial coverage is more likely to result.

Always monitor the coverage and have realistic expectations. After an interview with a journalist, seek out the final product. Observe how you came across. Read your quotes if in print.

If you don’t like what you see, ask yourself: was the coverage unfavorable, unfair, or inaccurate? There is a difference.

If unfavorable, why? Was my message clear? If not, how can I do better next time? Unfavorable can’t be controlled after the fact. There’s little you can do except learn from the experience and deliver a better message next time. And it’s important to remember: it’s not a journalist’s job to provide a favorable picture of you.

If a story is patently unfair, consider contacting the reporter or editor to explain your complaint. No respectable media outlet wants a reputation of being unfair. But don’t expect a retraction. The most you can reasonably expect is better treatment next time.

Finally, is the story wholly inaccurate? If this happens, from my experience it’s almost always unintentional. Contact the outlet and ask for a retraction or correction. Any decent news outlet will comply. Credibility is paramount to their survival.

The key is understanding the differences – unfavorable, unfair, or inaccurate. Again, they are different. Some news-makers unrealistically expect all coverage to be favorable to them.

For comprehensive, realistic Media Training, call, text, or email Nikitas Communications. We spent decades in the news business, and we can help.

Video Conferencing: Look Me in the Eye, and Keep Your Nose in the Middle

Video Conferencing: Look Me in the Eye, and Keep Your Nose in the Middle

Most of us are Zooming/Skyping/Microsoft Teaming in this time of Covid-19. I prefer Zooming with clients and to teach my grad school class “Media Strategy and Skills.” But most people are still framing these videoconferencing shots wrong. The result: your image can distract from your message. And you want nothing to distract from your message.

Here are two quick tips

#1 Put your camera at eye level.

Place your laptop on a stack of books, or a box. The platform ought to be stable so you can use your keyboard if necessary. I plug an external mouse into my laptop when participating in a videoconference so I don’t have to hold my hands at an uncomfortable angle when I need to share my screen or mute my mic.

Placing yourself at eye level also makes it easier to make eye contact with others on the videoconference. More importantly, you will engage with other participants when at eye level. And they will want to engage with you. Alfred Hitchcock shot upward to make his villains appear more sinister. Don’t be a villain from a Hitchcock movie. And besides, no one wants to see the inside of your nostrils.

And look right into the camera. Pretty soon the camera will become like speaking on a phone – it’s only a conduit to connect with others. You will forget it’s there, and you will become animated and engaged with others on the conference.

#2 Frame your camera shot with your nose in the middle.

This one is easy. Don’t cut off your chin, or the top of your head. Nose in the middle.
How wide should the camera shot be? Your head and shoulders ought to be in the frame. Think how most TV anchors are framed. Aim for that. You can go tighter if you are joining from a smartphone (See first photo below labeled “Right”).

Lighting, environment, microphone and sound, background, body language and colors are also important. For a complete best-practices session on videoconferencing, give Nikitas Communications a call or shoot us an email. We’ll be happy to help. And you will become more engaged, and more productive.

